Marcel Preuss

Assistant Professor


Marcel Preuss is an assistant professor of Strategy and Business Economics at the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management. His primary research interest lies in the analysis of firms’ incentives and strategies in imperfectly competitive markets, and online markets in particular. Typical research in this area addresses questions such as: How do sellers respond to increased transparency created by the Internet? Does the possibility to sell globally rather than locally affect product design? When should we expect agglomeration in platform markets?

Likewise, in his recent work on tracking browsing histories, Marcel investigates the consequences for market outcomes if sellers can observe a consumer’s search history. He finds that the possibility of tracking can be detrimental to industry profits because it diminishes consumers’ incentives to search, thereby reducing gains from trade that could be realized in the absence of tracking. In addition, he works on topics in behavioral economics, focusing on biases in decision-making and the formation of social preferences. In one of his studies, he investigates how experience shapes beliefs about the role of luck if people face uncertainty about the factors that lead to economic success.

During his graduate studies, Marcel taught sessions for various classes in economics, including Intermediate Microeconomics and Principles of Economics to students pursuing either an economics or business degree. At Johnson, he is teaching the Business Strategy core module for full-time MBA students.

He received his PhD in economics from the University of Mannheim. He also holds a master's degree in economic research as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim. Before joining Johnson, he also worked in the consulting, logistics and private equity sector. Recently, he has advised an online education company on the pricing of its subscription model.

Research Focus

  • Economics
  • Strategy
  • Antitrust
  • Decision Making