Eleonora Patacchini is the Stephen and Barbara Friedman Professor in the Department of Economics. She specializes in applied economics and applied statistics. Her recent research focuses on the empirical analysis of behavioral models of strategic interactions for decision making. Her work has been profiled in Bloomberg, PBS Newshour, The Independent, The Economist, and The New York Times.
Currently, she is Co-Editor of the Journal of Urban Economics.
Research Focus
Professor Patacchini's research interests include social networks, education, gender, race, immigration, crime, culture, climate change, urban planning, innovation, experimental methods, policy evaluation, and computational economics.
In the news
- Economists uncover hidden influence of top campaign donors
- Grants advance social sciences research, collaboration
- Four A&S faculty honored with endowed professorships
- Judges who’ve served with women more likely to hire women
- The power of social connections
- Girls’ education suffers when high-achieving boys are peers
- ISS grants jump-start new social science research
- Social networks on Capitol Hill influence legislation, funding