Contacts and Office Hours
Brooke Musmacker
Undergraduate Experience Coordinator
Available daily for walk-in office hours in Uris 492 inside the Economic Undergrad Lounge; Brooke will occasionally be in meetings, so it's best to email or call 607-255-5134 before stopping by. Email to request an appointment.
Prof. Ted O'Donoghue
Director of Undergraduate Studies
482 Uris Hall
email to request an appointment.
Prof. George Orlov
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
464 Uris Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12:30-1:30pm
or email to request an appointment
Major, Minor, and Transfer Credit Forms
Course of Study and Forbidden Overlaps
Class Rosters
Policy on Full Economics Courses
What to know if you are unable to add a course during pre-enrollment, due to it being full:
- There is no “one size fits all” for this situation.
- Typically you will be asked to wait until the Add/Drop period for that particular semester opens, and then you can try to enroll again.
- If you are still unable to add the course yourself using the online system during the Add/Drop period for that particular semester, keep trying! Due to course shopping, the enrollments in economics courses fluctuate quite a bit at the start of each semester.
- For Gateway Courses (Econ 1110 and Econ 1120) especially, consider taking the course in a future semester, winter term, or over the summer. Many options are available. The Director of Undergraduate Studies can advise on this. Also see: