George Jakubson

Associate Professor


Journal Articles

  • Robert Duval-Hernández, Gary Fields, George Jakubson. 2016. Cross-Sectional Versus Panel Income Approaches: Analyzing Income Distribution Changes for the Case of Mexico, Review of Income and Wealth .
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, Sarah J Prenovitz, Gary R Cohen, George Jakubson. 2016. An Evaluation of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship's Effect on PhD Production, Economics of Education Review . 53(August 2016):284-296.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson, Mirinda L Martin, Joyce B Main, Thomas Eisenberg. 2012. Diversifying the Faculty Across Gender Lines; Do Trustees and Administrators Matter?, Economics of Education Review . 31(February):9-18.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, Jeffrey Groen, George Jakubson, Scott Condie, Albert Liu. 2008. Program Design and Student Outcomes in Graduate Eduation, Economics of Education Review . 27(2):111-124.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson, Jeffrey A Groen, Eric So, Joseph Price. 2007. Inside the Black Box of Doctoral Education: What Program Characteristics Influence Doctoral Students' Attrition and Graduation Probabilities?, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis . 29(2).
  • Donald Cox, George Jakubson. 1995. The Connection between Public Transfers and Private Interfamily Transfers, Journal of Public Economics . 57(1):129-?.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson. 1990. Why WARN?, Regulation .
  • Robert Hutchens, George Jakubson, Saul Schwartz. 1989. AFDC and the Formation of Subfamilies, Journal of Human Resources . 24(4):599-628.
  • Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson. 1989. Advance Notice Provisions in Plant Closing Legislation: Do They Matter?, Industrial Relations .
  • Dan Feaster, Peter Gottschalk, George Jakubson. 1987. Impact of 1981 AFDC Reforms on Months Worked and Welfare Duration, Journal of Human Resources . 22(4):542-550.
  • Gary Fields, George Jakubson. 1985. Labor Market Analysis Using the Survey of Income and Program Participation, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement . 13(3/4):281-286.
  • Sheldon Danziger, George Jakubson, Saul Schwartz, Eugene Smolensky. 1982. Work and Welfare as Determinants of Female Poverty and Household Headship, Quarterly Journal of Economics . 97(3):519-534.


  • Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson. 1988. Advance Notice Provisions in Plant Closing Legislation. Kalamazoo MI, United States: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1988. 

Book Chapters

  • Ronald Ehrenberg, Michael J Rizzo, George Jakubson. 2007. Who Bears the Growing Cost of Science. in Science and the University. Madison WI, United States: University of Wisconsin Press, 2007. Paula E Stephan, Ronald G Ehrenberg.
  • George Jakubson, Ronald Ehrenberg. 1993. Why WARN? The Impact of Recent Plant-Closing and Layoff Prenotification Legislation in the United States. in Employment Security and Labor Market Behavior. Ithaca NY, United States: ILR Press, 1993. C Buechtemann.
  • George Jakubson, G Psacharopoulos. 1992. The Effect of Education on Female Labor Force Participation and Earnings in Ecuador. in Women's Employment and Pay in Latin America. Washington, DC, United States: World Bank, 1992. G Psacharopoulos, Z Tzannatos.

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